Sedation Dentistry

Welcome to Fox Family Dental, your premier family dentist in Peoria, AZ.

“My husband and I are both patients of Fox Family Dental and could not be happier with their care of us. We would both highly recommend them to anyone seeking dental care.”

Patricia F.

At Fox Family Dental, we understand that dental anxiety can make dental visits challenging for some patients. That’s why we offer sedation dentistry, a safe and effective solution to help you achieve a relaxed and stress-free dental experience. Our team of sedation dentists in Peoria, AZ, prioritize your comfort and well-being, ensuring you receive the best care throughout your dental procedure.

Choosing Fox Family Dental for sedation dental care means trusting a team that values your peace of mind and overall dental health. Our Peoria, AZ emergency dentists have a proven track record of providing compassionate care in a warm and welcoming environment. With our expertise in sedation dentistry, we tailor the level of sedation to your specific needs, ensuring you feel completely at ease throughout your dental treatment.

Fox Family Dental offers various sedation options to cater to different comfort levels and dental procedures. Our sedation options include:

  • Nitrous oxide (laughing gas): Nitrous oxide is a mild form of sedation that helps ease anxiety and induces a relaxed state during the procedure.
  • Oral sedation: Oral sedation involves taking a prescribed medication before the appointment, producing a deeper sense of relaxation.
  • Intravenous (IV) sedation: It is administered intravenously, providing a more profound soothing effect for patients with severe dental anxiety or longer procedures.
With these sedation options, you can feel at ease and overcome dental phobias, ensuring a smooth and stress-free dental experience. Ready to experience stress-free dental care? Call us today to schedule an appointment with our expert sedation dentists in Peoria, AZ. Let us help you achieve optimal dental health while keeping your comfort our top priority. Don’t let anxiety hold you back; take the first step towards a brighter, healthier smile with Fox Family Dental!
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Call Fox Family Dental in Peoria, AZ at 480.493.0285 to schedule an appointment today!